You’ve completed this program and are interviewing for a junior data scientist position at a company called Sewati Financial Services.
Click below to review the job description:
C3 Course Challenge Junior Data Scientist Job Description .pdfPDF File
So far, you’ve successfully completed the first interview with a recruiter. They arrange your second interview with the team at Sewati Financial Services.
Click below to read the email from the human resources director:
Course 3 Scenario 2_Second Interview Email.pdfPDF File
You arrive 15 minutes early for your interview. Soon, you are escorted into a conference room, where you meet Kai Harvey, the senior manager of strategy. After welcoming you, he begins the behavioral interview.
Consider and respond to the following question. Select all that apply.
Our data analytics team often surveys clients to get their feedback. If you were on the team, how would you ensure the results do not favor a particular person, group of people, or thing?