Python, Variables, and Functions >> Learn to Program: The Fundamentals
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Python, Variables, and Functions
Then select the function call(s) below that run without error. You can check your answers by running the code in the Python Shell.
What value does \color{black}{\verb|x|} refer to?
What value does \color{black}{\verb|x|} refer to?
After the code above has executed, what value does \color{black}{\verb|x|} refer?
After the code above has executed, what value does \color{black}{\verb|y|} refer?
When the code above is executed, what type of error occurs?
Select the phrase that describes \color{black}{\verb|two|}.
How many parameters does function \color{black}{\verb|g|} have?
Select the phrase that describes \color{black}{\verb|data|} in the third line.
What value does the expression above produce?
Which value does \color{black}{\verb|bigger(12)|} produce?